South Quay
Sourcing and passing on unique beautiful handmade goods made by skilled craftsmen around the world is what we do.
9 South Quay, Great Yarmouth
A unique restaurant with chillout atmosphere, delicious home-made meals, cakes and desserts are based on Mediterranean recipes.
9 South Quay, Great Yarmouth
South Quay, Great Yarmouth
South Quay, Great Yarmouth
South Quay, Great Yarmouth
26 South Quay, Great Yarmouth
An amazing 'hands on' museum to enthrall all ages.
This 16th-century quayside building reflects the life and times of the families who lived here from Tudor to Victorian times. Decide for yourself if the death of Charles I was plotted in the Conspiracy Room.
The delightful Row Houses at Room 111 and the Old Merchant's House are rare remnants of Great yarmouth's original distinctive 'Rows' which were a network of narrow alleyways linking Yarmouth's three main thoroughfares. Many 'row houses' were damaged by World War II bombing or demolished during post-war clearances, but two surviving properties show what these characteristic dwellings looked like at various stages in their history.
The world's last surviving steam-powered herring drifter steamed back to Great Yarmouth for the first time in many years on Saturday 15th May 2010. Steam drifters once filled the harbours as they worked down from Scotland following the Herring. Lydia Eva was, unusually, also capable of trawling outside the herring season. Now open for visitors seven days a week, between May and October.
Welcome to the Nelson Museum, the only museum dedicated solely to telling the story of our national hero, Lord Horatio Nelson and the times in which he lived.
'I am a Norfolk man through and through!'(Nelson speaking at the ‘Wrestler’s Arms’, Great Yarmouth)
Greyfriars Cloister, the remains of a 13th century friary of Franciscan 'grey friars' was later swallowed up by Row development and converted into a number of dwellings. Traces of their interior features can still be seen on the brick built walls of parts of the cloister and church, laid bare by wartime bombing.